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Our Approach


The London Deleplanque Healing was born from the simple observation that during a Reiki session (or Energy Healing), some guidance and messages come through to help even more the receiver to reach their serenity point.

So with your permission during a session, we take these opportunities to deliver more insights to you so you get clarity, confidence or new way of looking at the next steps of your life.
Anyhow, we have at heart for you to relax and feel rejuvenated. 
​​As we believe that everyone has abilities, intuition and can heal, we provide Mediumship development sessions and Reiki attunements for you to develop what you already have. 

Yes, you can do what we do ! No doubt. And we are delighted each time it happens. 
Check out our Meet Up Group for the classes schedule. 

Developing and Teaching

Healing and Counselling

We are sensitives and coachs, we "blend" several abilities to optimise your well-being and the outcome of a session. 
We also can provide session with one or the other focus; who can do more can do less !
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